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Department of Pharmacology is a pre-clinical science department focused on undergraduate and post graduate teaching for B. Pharm, Pharm. D and M. Pharm students. M. Pharm was started in the year 2014 and Ph. D in 2017. Department of Pharmacology is fulfilled by its experienced teaching faculties with a dedicated vision of research and outcome-based teaching. The department is well known for its research activities, infrastructure and well-maintained CCSEA approved animal house. The main objective of the department is to prepare skilled graduates to meet the health care needs of the community and serve the pharmaceutical sectors by providing well-qualified professionals. The laboratories are well-designed with all safety measures and provide facilities for the students to carry out all types of basic pharmacological in-vitro and in-vivo screening. Laboratories are also supported by simulation software for demonstration of in-silico pharmacological experiments. The laboratory enables students to become experts in animal handling and conduct skillful pharmacology research. Preclinical research in the department aims to Development of new screening methods, isolation of bioactive molecules upon living systems as the step towards a greater understating for disease and treatment. Department shows special interest on neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular, fertility, gastroenterology, malignance and immuno pharmacology.

Total Publications: 32 (Latest 20)

Total Research Presentations: 06 (Latest 10)

Workshop / Training Programmes Conducted: 01

Major Equipments: