Admission to the hostel is reserved only for girl students.

The admission to the hostel shall be purely for one academic year from the date of joining. For the next academic year, the students shall have to take a fresh admission, agreeing to the then prevailing norms of the hostel with regard to the rent and hostel charges at that particular time. Discontinuing the hostel during the academic year will not be permitted and once the rent paid shall not be refunded for any reasons.

The opinion of the warden on the character of the student is important for renewal.

Hostel Rent

- Double Executive: Rs. 3500/- per month.
- Double Room: Rs. 2500/- per month.
- Four Bed Room: Rs. 1700/- per month.
- Six Bed Room: Rs. 1500/- per month.
- Dormitory: Rs. 1200/- per month.

Rooms shall be allotted as per the availability only. There is no reduction in the room rent on pro-rata basis. Taking admission in the college does not guarantee hostel accommodation.

Hostel rent shall be collected together for one year.

Mess Fee

Mess fees shall be Rs. 115/- per day. Mess fee shall be hiked twice in a year based on the inflation in the commodity prices.

KSEB and Water Charges

Students shall pay the KSEB and water charges once in three months based on their consumption.

Last date for payment of fees

5th of every month

Payment shall be remitted at

Bank Account


- If any fee is not made before 5th of the month, then Rs.10/- per day will be collected as fine till 10th day of the month.
- If payment is not made before 10th of the month, then Rs.100/- per day will be collected as fine till the end of the month.
- If payment is not made before 10th of the month, then Rs.100/- per day will be collected as fine till the end of the month.
- It is the responsibility of the students / parents to remit the hostel fees in time, and no reminder will be issued to the students / parents in this regard. The students are advised not to contact the office for seeking exemption in this matter.

Caution Deposit

Caution deposit of Rs. 10,000/- is to be remitted at the time of availing admission to the hostel. The caution deposit shall be refunded to the student upon receiving the TC, and will not be adjusted against any other fees during the course of study. However, at the time of refunding, it shall be adjusted for any damages caused. Any refunds shall be made only by way of crossed cheque.

Room No. and cot allotted shall not be changed without the written permission of the warden.

Only the parents and sisters shall be allowed to visit the student in the hostel. Brothers can visit the inmates only with the parents. They shall not be permitted to go to the student’s room for any reasons.

Students can leave home (On 2nd Saturday only) only after getting written permission from the Principal, at least one day before leaving the hostel. The same shall be handed over to the warden by hand.

If a student leaves the hostel without submitting the leave letter to the warden, she will not be taken back to hostel, and she will be expelled from the hostel without any further notices.

If a student do not return on the said date and time, she will be permitted only after getting the Letter of Cause of Delay from her parent.

Visiting hours shall be from 4.30 PM to 5.30 PM on working days and from 2 PM to 5 PM on holidays. Telephone calls made to inmate after 8 PM will not be entertained.

Inmates are not allowed to conduct any tours or outing for any reasons. Students will not be permitted to go out of hostel. Conduct of birthday celebration or any other similar celebrations cannot be entertained, without the written permission from the warden.

Inmates who make disturbance to other inmates or indulge in any unlawful activities, shall be expelled from the hostel immediately and further disciplinary action will be taken against her.

Due to the power failure / technical difficulties, if water is not available in the overhead tank, students shall take water from the well / underground tank. Under such situation, management shall not guarantee water supply in the toilet or bathroom taps.

Food can be had from the mess as per the time schedule.

Students shall not indulge in ragging or any other social injustice or shall not do anything that affects the freedom of others or commit any offence leading to police case. If any such complaints are received on such acts, FIR will be filed against the concerned students and they will be dismissed without any prior notice, and shall be liable to pay fees of the entire course before issuing TC.

No students shall enter the room of any other inmates other than the one allotted to them.

No reduction in the mess fee will be allowed for college-announced holidays or leave availed by the student, under any circumstances. However, if the holidays are exceeding 10 days for Christmas and Onam, reduction in the mess fee will be allowed.

The usage of mobile phones, I-pods, walkman, tape recorder, radio and iron box etc are prohibited in the hostel. The parents and the students will be held responsible for the problem raised by the use of above items.

Parents can call their daughter (inmate) in the phone number provided from office. The call duration shall not exceed 3 min. That too not more than 2 times a week. The students shall talk over phone near the warden’s room. Calls shall be made only from the 3 numbers given at time of Admission.

All rooms are equipped with required fans and bulbs. Students will have to make payment if bulb need to be changed or any other damage caused or repair needed.

Students need to sign outward and inward register whenever leaving and entering the hostel.

Students need to report to the hostel before 5.00 PM.

Canteen food will be supplied only for those who present hostel identity card. Hostel will remain closed, if the announced holidays are 3 or more, for Onam, Christmas, Easter, Ramzan, Eid, Vishu and any such state / national / religious festivals. Students shall leave home during these festival holidays, as warden, cooks and security will not be available in the hostel.

Outside foods are not permitted to bring inside the hostel.

Hostellers are not permitted to leave the hostel for reasons like, attending marriage of a classmate, shopping in the city, purchase of stationaries, etc except to go to college and to go to home for holidays. Such demands from the students are not entertained. Student found violating this norm will be expelled from hostel with immediate effect.

Students who feel inconvenient with the provided facilities in the hostel are always permitted to vacate the hostel, provided the written request is received from the parents, and shall vacate the hostel, only in the presence of their parents. Hostel rent once paid will not be refunded.

Students and parents shall visit the hostel and get themselves satisfied with available facilities, before taking the admission to hostel. No additional demands are accepted.

Usage of mobile phones by the students inside the hostel campus is strictly prohibited. Students possessing the mobile phone inside the hostel will be removed from the hostel.
- However, as directed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court and UGC, the first year students of all the courses shall possess the mobile phones with them, but in a switched off condition. They are permitted to bring the mobiles only for the purpose of calling any college authorities to seek assistance, when they receive any threat from the seniors about ragging.

The seized mobile will be kept in college office, and will be handed over to the student, only at the time of issue of Transfer Certificate. The college authorities will not be held responsible for any damages occurred to the mobile phone and its accessories including the battery, SIM card, etc after its seizure.

The college authorities shall hand over the mobile phones to the police station or any other concerned authorities, if required, and will not be responsible for any consequences thereafter.