Internal Complaints Committee

As directed by the Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur, the Internal Complaints Committee is constituted as given below, based on the UGC (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of Women Employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015.


S. No.Name of the MembersDesignation (In institution)Designation (In Committee)
01Dr. Anilasree B. P.Associate ProfessorPresiding Officer
02Mr. Arunlal V. B.Associate ProfessorFaculty Members
03Mrs. Shaimol T.Associate ProfessorFaculty Members
04Mrs. Sunitha K.Office SuperintendentNon-teaching Employee
05Mr. Suneesh T.Store KeeperNon-teaching Employee
06Mr. Vysak P. NairDirector, Healing Hands Foundation, Ramanattukkara NGO Member


The term of office of the members of the ICC shall be for a period of three years. However, one third of the ICC members shall be replaced in a year, as and when required.

Responsibilities of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

The Internal Complaints Committee shall,

Provide assistance if an employee or a student chooses to file a complaint with the police.

Provide mechanisms of dispute redressal and dialogue to anticipate and address issues through just and fair conciliation without undermining complainant’s rights, and minimize the need for purely punitive approaches that lead to further resentment, alienation or violence.

Protect the safety of the complainant by not divulging the person’s identity.

Recommend to the head of the institution to provide the mandatory relief by way of sanctioned leave or relaxation of attendance requirement or transfer to another department or supervisor as required during the pendency of the complaint, or also provide for the transfer of the offender

Ensure that victims or witnesses are not victimized or discriminated against while dealing with complaints of sexual harassment; and

Ensure prohibition of retaliation or adverse action against a covered individual because the employee or the student is engaged in protected activity.

Process of making complaint of sexual harassment

An aggrieved person is required to submit a written complaint to the ICC within three months from the date of the incident and in case of a series of incidents within a period of three months from the date of the last incident.

Provided that where such complaint cannot be made in writing, the Presiding Officer or any member of the ICC shall render all reasonable assistance to the person for making the complaint in writing

Provided further that the ICC may, for the reasons to be accorded in the writing, extend the time limit not exceeding three months, if it is satisfied that the circumstances were such which prevented the person from filing a complaint within the said period.

Friends, relatives, colleagues, co-students, psychologist, or any other associate of the victim may file the complaint in situations where the aggrieved person is unable to make a complaint on account of physical or mental in capacity or death.

Process of Conducting Inquiry

The ICC shall, upon receipt of the complaint, send one copy of the complaint to the respondent within a period of seven days of such receipt.

Upon receipt of the copy of the complaint, the respondent shall file his or her reply to the complaint along with the list of documents, and names and addresses of witnesses within a period of ten days.

The inquiry has to be completed within a period of ninety days from the receipt of the complaint. The inquiry report, with recommendations, if any, has to be submitted within ten days from the completion of the inquiry to the Executive Authority of the HEI. Copy of the findings or recommendations shall also be served on both parties to the complaint.

The Executive Authority of the HEI shall act on the recommendations of the committee within a period of thirty days from the receipt of the inquiry report, unless an appeal against the findings is filed within that time by either party.

An appeal against the findings or /recommendations of the ICC may be filed by either party before the Executive Authority of the HEI within a period of thirty days from the date of the recommendations.

If the Executive Authority of the HEI decides not to act as per the recommendations of the ICC, then it shall record written reasons for the same to be conveyed to ICC and both the parties to the proceedings. If on the other hand it is decided to act as per the recommendations of the ICC, then a show cause notice, answerable within ten days, shall be served on the party against whom action is decided to be taken. The Executive Authority of the HEI shall proceed only after considering the reply or hearing the aggrieved person.

The aggrieved party may seek conciliation in order to settle the matter. No monetary settlement should be made as a basis of conciliation. The HEI shall facilitate a conciliation process through ICC, as the case may be, once it is sought. The resolution of the conflict to the full satisfaction of the aggrieved party wherever possible, is preferred to purely punitive intervention.

The identities of the aggrieved party or victim or the witness or the offender shall not be made public or kept in the public domain especially during the process of the inquiry.

Interim Redressal

The HEI may,

Transfer the complainant or the respondent to another section or department to minimize the risks involved in contact or interaction, if such a recommendation is made by the ICC

Grant leave to the aggrieved with full protection of status and benefits for a period up to three months;

Restrain the respondent from reporting on or evaluating the work or performance or tests or examinations of the complainant;

Ensure that offenders are warned to keep a distance from the aggrieved, and wherever necessary, if there is a definite threat, restrain their entry into the campus;

Take strict measures to provide a conducive environment of safety and protection to the complainant against retaliation and victimization as a consequence of making a complaint of sexual harassment.

Punishment and compensation

Anyone found guilty of sexual harassment shall be punished in accordance with the service rules of the HEI, if the offender is an employee.

Where the respondent is a student, depending upon the severity of the offence, the HEI may,

Withhold privileges of the student such as access to the library, auditoria, halls of residence, transportation, scholarships, allowances, and identity card;

Suspend or restrict entry into the campus for a specific period;

Expel and strike off name from the rolls of the institution, including denial of readmission, if the offence so warrants;

Award reformative punishments like mandatory counselling and, or, performance of community services.

The aggrieved person is entitled to the payment of compensation. The HEI shall issue direction for payment of the compensation recommended by the ICC and accepted by the Executive Authority, which shall be recovered from the offender. The compensation payable shall be determined on the basis of

Mental trauma, pain, suffering and distress caused to the aggrieved person;

The loss of career opportunity due to the incident of sexual harassment;

The medical expenses incurred by the victim for physical, psychiatric treatment;

The income and status of the alleged perpetrator and victim; and

The feasibility of such payment in lump sum or in instalments.

Action against frivolous complaint

To ensure that the provisions for the protection of employees and students from sexual harassment do not get misused, provisions against false or malicious complaints have to be made and publicized within all HEIs. If the ICC concludes that the allegations made were false, malicious or the complaint was made knowing it to be untrue, or forged or misleading information has been provided during the inquiry, the complainant shall be liable to be punished as per the provisions of sub regulations (1) of regulations 10, if the complainant happens to be an employee and as per sub-regulation (2) of that regulation, if the complainant happens to be a student. However, the mere inability to substantiate a complaint or provide adequate proof will not attract attention against the complainant. Malicious intent on the part of the complainant shall not be established without an inquiry, in accordance with the procedure prescribed, conducted before any action is recommended.

Consequences of non-compliance

The Commission shall, in respect of any institution that will fully contravenes or repeatedly fails to comply with the obligations and duties laid out for the prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of employees and students, take one or more of the following actions after providing due notice:

Withdrawal of declaration of fitness to receive grants under section 12B of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.

Removing the name of the university or college from the list maintained by the Commission under clause (f) of section 2 of said Act, 1956;

Withholding any grant allocated to the institution;

Declaring the institution ineligible for consideration for any assistance under any of the general or special assistance programmes of the Commission;

Informing the general public, including potential candidates for employment or admission, through a notice displayed prominently in the newspapers or other suitable media and posted on the website of the Commission, declaring that the institution does not provide for a zero tolerance policy against sexual harassment;

Recommending the affiliating university for withdrawal of affiliation, in case of a college;

Recommending the Central Government for withdrawal of declaration as an institution deemed to be university, in case of an institution deemed to be university;

Recommending the appropriate State Government for withdrawal of status as university in case of a university established or incorporated under a State Act.

Taking such other action within its powers as it may deem fit and impose such other penalties as may be provided in the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 for such duration of time till the institution complies with the provisions of these regulations.

No action shall be taken by the Commission under these regulations unless the Institution has been given an opportunity to explain its position and an opportunity of being heard has been provided to it.