Mrs. Sneha Prakash V.

M. Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice)
Assistant Professor
Mobile : 8891230635
Email ID :

Educational details:

B. Pharm.: College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Govt. Medical College, Calicut (2013)
M. Pharm.: College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Govt. Medical College, Calicut (2015)
Professional experience: 07 Years
Date of Joining: 14.12.2015

Area of research:

Quality of life studies in chronic diseases
Statistical studies

Research Publications:

As corresponding author – 1 & As co-author -2

Sneha P. V., Sreejith K., Abdul G. Subjective complaints and quality of life in patients receiving antiepileptic therapy - A cross sectional study. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research, 2022, 25(1): 412-422.

Hashly P., Milka K. J., Sneha P. V., Prevalence and assessment of self-medication practices among undergraduates in Kerala. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research, 2021, 22(1): 215-224.

Suresh A., Sneha P. V., Sreerag A., Interventional study based on prescription errors in the inpatient units of a tertiary care hospital in Calicut. Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2019, 12(4): 229-233.

Research Presentations: 01

"Subjective complaints and quality of life in patients receiving antiepileptic therapy”, International Conference on ‘Frontiers of Pharmacy Practice in clinical and industrial sector” Crescent College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, Dec, 13-14.

Project Guided (UG, PG & Ph. D.):

B. Pharm.: 04

Pharm. D.: Nil

M. Pharm.: Nil

Ph. D.: NA

Any other activities / significant contributions: Nil

Professional Memberships: Nil